

Hello World!

My name is Deanna. In February 2020, I graduated from a data science bootcamp in Chicago. I am proficient in Python and SQL, and my goal is to expand my skills into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. My background is in biochemistry, molecular biology, and neurobiology. I love learning new skills and spending my time reading books of productivity, as well as fiction, fantasy, and literature. In my free time, I practice yoga and run, but I also love many types of fitness activities like weight lifting and spinning.

I really do love learning and during this time, when all of my free time that would be spent hanging out with friends is now mine again, I have devoted myself to the #100DaysOfCode challenge on Twitter. Through posting to that hashtag I have found so many cool dev Slack channels and resources that I am excited to get in to.

The other day I went to #LockdownConf hosted by freeCodeCamp and Hashnode and was introduced to this platform. It was like a divine entity opened up the skies! I have been wanting to start a blog where I can post about my #100DaysOfCode journey in long form, as well as begin writing technical articles or tutorials. This seems like a great platform to get started on. I am excited to see where this journey takes me.

Thanks for reading my first post!